Truth is, neither Noynoy Aquino nor his spokesmen really answered any of the allegations leveled against him, whether it is the Hacienda Luisita issue, the diversion of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway, his do-nothing record in his 11 years as a legislator, his lack of managerial and administrative experience, or even his record as a salesman of Nike shoes and as manager of the hacienda, where big losses were incurred. And of course his alleged mental disorder.
All he and his spokesmen do is to deny the charges, aided greatly by their yellow media that always make sure to put him in the best light.
Yet he and his Liberal Party (LP) supporters are quick to demand explanations when charges are leveled against his political rivals when they deny these charges. So why the double standard? What makes them think that a denial is sufficient explanation when it comes to Noynoy, but not sufficient for the others?
What Noynoy and his yellows may not realize is that his refusal to answer these charges, or even accept challenges from many quarters to prove their allegations wrong, may just be hurting him and his candidacy.
He and his yellows, so filled with hubris in the belief that, due to his high survey score, already has the presidency in the bag, to the point of Noynoy threatening to unleash people power even worse than Thailand’s civil unrest caused by the month-long Red Shirts protesters, should he be cheated, since he says that the only thing that would make him lose the presidency is that he will be cheated out of his victory.
Such a position taken by Noynoy and his yellows make him a very dangerous person as he is fast proving himself to be someone who believes in vengeful destruction — to the point of not caring whether Filipinos are killed or injured — as long as he gets his way — and that is his presidency.
He and his yellows may think that, when they create trouble — and through a people power revolt — the Filipinos will rally round their call. They may have another think coming. They do not have the masses behind them, apart from which, Filipinos are tired of public uprisings. In short, Filipinos are suffering from people power fatigue.
This is borne out by the fact that instead of rallying round the protesters in 2006 at Edsa, over the “Hello Garci” tapes exposé, which had Gloria Arroyo caught on tape talking to then poll commissioner Virgilio “Garci” Garcillano to pad her votes, and subtract from the votes of the then opposition standard bearer, Fernando Poe Jr., the “people power” revolt fizzled out. First because the military that the protesters were banking on to join them, didn’t appear and second, but most important, the Filipinos preferred a more peaceful way of getting rid of Gloria — through the ballot during the 2007 senatorial elections as a loud protest as the opposition senatorial bets were swept to victory, and again, in 2010, through the presidential polls.
Gloria is no longer a candidate for the presidency. While many still dislike her immensely, she really is no longer the issue, as she is stepping out of Malacañang.
Noynoy and his yellows appear to believe that to keep blasting away at Gloria would do the trick for him, but this hasn’t worked, even if they go by their surveys, since Noynoy’s scores have remained static for months.
Noynoy and his yellows, who, long before the polls open, are already popping the bubbly, with their basis for victory the survey ratings, which are pretty dubious.
Still and all, as he remains silent over the allegations of his mental health, his hacienda and SCTex issues and his clear inability to lead the country, he may just be seen as evading the issue, because these allegations leveled against him may well have more than a grain of truth in them.
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